Both systems have enough memory for you to download pretty much everything. The Ipad is available with 16, 32 or 64GB but the Motorola Xoom has the option for 16 or 32GB. Unless you were on your tablet all the time downloading documents, music, apps and more, you wouldn't need more than 32GB.
Ipad 2: 1
Xoom: 0
The Ipad 2 has a 0.7 megapixel front facing camera for video calls and an unknown quality back camera capable of shooting 720p HD video. The Xoom on the other hand has a 2 megapixel front facing camera for video calling and a 5 megapixel camera on the back capable of shooting 720p HD video.
Ipad 2: 1
Xoom: 1
Size and Weight
Well even by just looking at the two tablets there is a clear winner. The Ipad weighs a mere 608 grams compared to the Xoom which weighs a massive 730 grams! The Ipad is 9.7 inches and the Xoom is 10.1 inches.
Ipad 2: 2
Xoom: 1
The Xoom runs on Google's new android 3.0 honeycomb which is amazing. The Ipad 2 runs on IOS 4.3. Android 3.0 is generally a better platform but IOS 4.3 has more apps to download. I am going to call it a draw! One point each!
Ipad 2: 3
Xoom: 2
Both tablets have 3G capabilities. So don't worry about that!
Ipad 2: 4
Xoom: 3
The Xoom supports Adobe flash but the Ipad 2 doesn't.
Ipad 2: 4
Xoom: 4
It all comes down to this, the decider. The Ipad is great value at £399 but the Xoom costs...£480!
Ipad 2: 5
Xoom: 4
The Ipad 2 is the winner due to its almost flawless design. It has great specs and is a worthy winner.
If you don't personally like the Ipad 2 then go for its contender the Motorola Xoom which, in time may just steal the top spot from the superior king of tablets, Apple.